Air Conditioning Inspections and TM44 Reports

Did you know that TM44 inspections are required for all buildings with air conditioning systems? The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), which was introduced in 2007, required that TM44 inspection reports be completed. This legislation has time-sensitive deadlines and should have been complied with by all property owners and managers.

Although the deadlines for this legislation have passed, the resulting TM44 reports, which are valid for a 5-year period, need to be repeated within that timeframe. The deadlines for buildings with existing cooling systems were January 2009 (for systems exceeding 250kW cooling capacity) or January 2011 (for systems exceeding 12kW cooling capacity). You must have an air conditioning inspection done if your system was installed after January 2008; this is if the cooling capacity of the system exceeds 12kW.

Air Conditioning Reports

These inspection reports are a legal requirement. However, businesses are now realizing that they have a responsibility for reducing their carbon footprint. You can do this by having your air conditioners inspected and then receiving the air conditioning report that your assessor will provide.

The TM44 inspection report will provide you with an analysis of your air conditioning system’s efficiency and make recommendations for improvement. These suggestions could include recommendations for maintenance and repairs, or ways to improve the efficiency of your air conditioning system. The report will determine if your air conditioner is appropriate for the location and intended purpose. You will be able to comply with the law and reduce your energy costs by following the recommendations in your air conditioning report.

Your assessor should follow the TM44 guidelines. This document has been professionally developed to be the industry standard for all air conditioner inspections.

Respecting the Air Conditioning Regulations

You are strongly advised to immediately rectify any legal violations regarding your air conditioning systems. Big companies are increasingly concerned about corporate and social responsibility. They also have a legal obligation to ensure that their employees work safely. In addition to complying with legislative requirements, it is important that your air conditioning system be inspected and evaluated in order to ensure safety for your staff and visitors.

You could face a fine of PS300 from the local authority for not complying with the Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations. This fine is per building. Additional fines may be imposed if your legislative responsibilities are neglected. These vital regulations are not being followed by many building managers and owners. Make sure you don’t fall for it. Arrange an inspection today.






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