The Rise of Depression and the Cannabis Response

Are you experiencing depression? If yes, then you’re not alone. You are not the only one and belong to millions of Americans affected by this mental disorder. Recent news articles have revealed the latest statistics on what causes depression and how it is affecting the U.S. is on the increase.

The prevalence of depression grew by 33% between between 2011 between 2011 and 2014. (1) In the past, The National Center for Health Statistics revealed that the use of antidepressants increased by at 65% over the course of the 15-year period between 1999 and 2014. It went From 7.7 percent for Americans to 12.7 percent for people aged 12 and over, which is nearly twice as high than males as well as 19.1 percent for those aged 60 or older. (2) weed delivery

The positive news, they claim is the fact that “universal Depression screenings” are more frequent and that this disorder is not a secret anymore People are now discussing the condition and treating it… by using medications. weed delivery ottawa

I’m left wondering what is the reasonthis depression-ridden state has grown exponentially in leaps and the heights of its own? First of all, there’s plenty that’s changed on the planet since January 1st 2000. It’s enough to cause anyone to be feel depressed. It’s possible that I’ve missed something below however, here are some examples I’m able to recall: local weed delivery

  • September 11 2001
  • The Patriot Act
  • Instant terrorist attacks both on the domestic as well as international
  • Mass murders in schools
  • A rising number of opioid addicts and deaths
  • Multiple conflicts throughout the Middle East
  • Extreme natural disasters such as earthquakes, fires, tsunamis, hurricanes Blizzards, droughts, and droughts
  • The Fukushima nuclear catastrophe in 2011
  • The 2008 economic crisis
  • Overpriced real estate
  • Earnings that aren’t in line with the cost of living
  • More homelessness
  • The polarizing presidential election of 2016 and the presidency of Donald Trump

Of course this list doesn’t cover the difficult personal circumstances that most of us encounter every now and then.

Pharmaceutical companies are the biggest winners.

Though most of the antidepressant-package inserts warn of one or another side-effect, pharmaceutical antidepressants are the ubiquitous ‘go to” solution and coping mechanism for depression. Alongside the adverse consequences, many individuals have difficulty taking off antidepressants when are ready.

Depression is associated with the increase in neuro-inflammation. It’s a common belief that inflammation can be a prelude to various diseases.

Incorporate therapeutic cannabis.

Cannabis can be used to lower inflammation and is a promising option in research on depression. (3) Because of its chemical compounds, specifically THC and CBD the actual healing process and not just masking symptoms could occur to heal weak areas of the immune system and brain. (4) The product is safe and cost-effective. It has minimal to no adverse effects.

” >”… researchers looked at the data from Strainprint the mobile application that cannabis users can utilize to monitor changes in their symptoms following different dosages and chemotypes of cannabis. The overall self-reported symptoms of depression fell by 50 percent.” (5)

Then why aren’t more people explore the medicinal benefits of cannabis before stepping onto the pharma route? Three major reasons:

  • The stigma perpetuated by The Reefer Madness movie propaganda of 1936 and 1937. Marahuana Tax Act
  • The choice to trust doctors and the medication they recommend
  • A general lack of understanding regarding therapeutic, not recreational, use of cannabis

My friend took cannabis for medicinal purposes to help her overcome depression when nothing other treatment had helped. She claimed it brought her her life back that led her to share her story with others.






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